Who is affected by the Policy?
This policy applies to all members, administrators, officials, coaches, players, visitors and volunteers of the Maddington Cricket Club Inc.

This policy is effective from 1 October 2007.

The Maddington Cricket Club Inc. will promote the responsible adult use of alcohol by:
· Discouraging excessive or rapid consumption of alcohol (e.g. happy hours, drinking competitions).
· Ensuring alcohol is not served to any person who is intoxicated or under the age of 18 years.
· Promoting lower pricing on low and non-alcoholic drinks and providing free unbottled water.
· Providing responsible server training for paid staff and volunteers who serve alcoholic drinks in our bar.

Other Drugs
The Maddington Cricket Club Inc. discourages the use of medications in respect of injury / recovery that would enable a participant to compete where they would not otherwise have been able.
· The use of illicit drugs and performance enhancing drugs is not permitted by any Club members or patrons.
· We will adopt and be guided by the Sports Medicine Australia policy on the administration of medications by non-medical personnel.
· In the event that club personnel have reason to believe a member may be using illicit drugs, we will contact a relevant agency for professional advice on how to manage the situation (i.e. Alcohol and Drug Information Service).

The Maddington Cricket Club Inc. recognises that smoking and passive smoking are hazardous to health. We will ensure a smoke-free environment by:
· Ensuring all areas of the Club, including the change rooms, offices, the bar area, and all Club functions are smoke-free.
· Not selling tobacco products on the premises.
· Prominently displaying no-smoking signage.

Sun Protection
The Maddington Cricket Club Inc. will take all reasonable steps to address sun safe practices by:
· Scheduling activities outside the hours of 11am to 2pm.
· Ensuring adequate shade is provided.
· Following The Cancer Council of Western Australia guidelines for SunSmart clothing and hats.
· Providing or selling sunscreen to members and participants.

Sports Safety
The Maddington Cricket Club Inc. will encourage all members to adopt practices that seek to prevent injury by:
· Encouraging warm-up, stretching and cool-down as an important component of playing and training.
· Promoting the use of protective equipment including body padding, mouth guards, suitable clothing and footwear.
· Providing safe playing surfaces and first aid equipment at all training sessions and competition matches.
· Ensuring adequate public liability and player insurance for all members.
· Encouraging all players with a prior or current injury to seek professional advice from a sports medicine professional and be fully rehabilitated before returning to play.

Healthy Eating
The Maddington Cricket Club Inc. recognises the importance of good nutrition for sports performance by:
· Ensuring when food is provided, healthy alternatives in accordance with the Dietary Guidelines for Australian Adults are available.
· Promoting good nutrition and healthy eating messages.

Non Compliance Strategy
The following four step non-compliance strategy will be followed if anyone breaches the Maddington Cricket Club Inc. Healthy Club Policy:
1. Assume that the person is unaware of the Policy.
2. A Management Committee representative will approach the person breaching the Policy and ask them to refrain from the behaviour and remind them about the Healthy Club Policy.
3. If an offence continues (i.e. someone continues to smoke in a smoke-free area or is intoxicated) a senior Management Committee representative will verbally warn them again. The representative will provide a copy of the Healthy Club Policy and state that if the person continues the behaviour they will be asked to leave.
4. If the offence does continue then the person will be escorted out of the facility by a senior Management Committee representative.

Policy Review
This Policy will be reviewed six months after its introduction and then on an annual basis thereafter. This will ensure that the Policy remains current and practical.
Adult players, coaches and Club members are expected to set appropriate examples and act as role models for junior Club members.
The Club will make information available to Club members and families to promote healthy lifestyles.
Continued breaches of the Policy will be addressed through the Management Committee.
Anyone wishing to discuss any aspect of this Policy is invited to contact any member of the Management Committee.

Thank you for your co-operation.
